the Net

August 1995

Anthony's List of Internet Accessible Machines

Yes, it's neat that you can hook a camera up to a Web site. It makes me gadget-happy to look at somebody's office from my computer. Not only is Big Brother watching, but I get to BE Big Brother. But why Coke machine inventories? Is it because net people really are geeks who live on a diet of Coke and Ruffles? Then, how would you explain a Web site that lets you know if someone's door is open?

Anthony's list has links to more that just machines. It's divided into sections, such as Equipment Status Reports, Cameras and Video, and Tele-operated Machinery. The section on Temperature Sensors/Weather Monitors is actually kind of useful (well, as useful as sticking your head out the window). My favorite link from this page is to the Pizza Server, which lets you order a pizza with a variety of toppings - everything from pepperoni to nuts and bolts. This pizza is subsequently delivered to you in a GIF file (yes, it's just a picture). Another link connects to a view of Steve's Ant Farm, but every time I tried that link, my connection was refused. I also had a lot of fun on the Subway Navigator, a site displaying subway information from cities all over the world. Even though Yahoo's Interesting Devices Connected to the Internet is bigger, it's not as well organized as Anthony's list.

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