Contents | Glossary

Section 2


In section 2, with the help of this manual, you will create your own hypermedia document using Netscape and Notepad for Windows. Using these simple tools you will be taken through all of the steps, starting with simple ASCII text and ending with a full-fledged HTML document containing links and graphics.

Section 2 contents:

Chapter 4 - Behind the Scenes
Chapter 5 - Paragraphs, Fonts, and Lists
Chapter 6 - Adding Graphics
Chapter 7 - Adding Hypertext Links

Chapter 4 - Behind the scenes, the magic of HTML

After exploring various sites, there is no doubt you've seen many different display techniques and hypermedia links. In the documents we looked at we've seen a wide variety of fonts, graphics, and links. After experiencing all of these, you might find yourself wondering how all of this is possible.

Certainly there is no magic producing these effects (it's only a computer, after all...), instead the documents we've seen are simple ASCII text files. Of course, in ASCII text there is no way to create italic and bold text, let alone graphics and hypermedia links. Instead web authors use special sections of text called tags. As a whole the tags compose a kind of text formatting language, in effect.

On the web tags are used to create everything from an italic word to a hypertext link pointing to a site thousands of miles away. Netscape (and other web browsers) simply interpret the HTML tags to produce the formatted web documents we see.

There are many types of tag systems used to create documents. The one most common on the web is called HyperText Markup Language, or simply HTML. While HTML lacks the power and flexibility of sophisticated text formatting languages like LaTeX and Postscript, its simplicity and simple requirements make it easy for both beginners and veterans to create top-quality web pages.

Note: There are many formatting elements that are not yet widely supported by HTML. These elements include centering, indentation, and tables. Many browsers (Netscape in particular) have built-in support for their own elements, and even the proposed HTML 3.0 elements. But these tags are still not universally supported, and thus will be omitted from the tutorial section of this document. The most common (and useful) of these tags are included in section 3, since it is meant as a reference instead of a tutorial.

We can even see each page's HTML code. While at DSU's home page select the view menu, then choose source. Netscape will present a window containing the HTML code used to create DSU's home page.

Chapter 5 - Lists, Paragraphs, and Fonts

In this chapter we will create our first simple HTML file, and use Netscape for Windows to view and check it. Later we will add graphics and hypertext links. Before you begin this chapter, you must be familiar with DOS naming conventions, the Windows environment, Windows Paintbrush, and basic word processing.

Getting Started

HTML documents are ASCII text files which use tags to indicate formatting and structural information. A tag is simply a left angle bracket (<) followed by a directive or command, followed by a right angle bracket (>) to close the tag. They can be made with any word processor or text editor that can save files as ASCII text. For simplicity we will simply be using Notepad for Windows.

Before starting, make sure that you have icons for both Netscape and Notepad, and that both programs work correctly. (See Part 1 for instructions on using Netscape.)

First, let's create a directory on our hard drive that we can use to store our files and graphics.

Next start up Notepad, which is usually located in the Program Manager group Accessories. Type in the text below exactly as shown. Then save the file as c:\html\wisdom.htm

You will need to make sure that Notepad's word-wrap function (located under the edit menu) is not turned on. Instead you must put carriage returns in manually.

Words of Wisdom
Every program has at least one bug and can be shortened by at 
least one instruction - from which, by induction, one can deduce 
that every program can be reduced to one instruction which 
doesn't work.

Murphy's Law of Research:
Enough research will tend to support your theory.

Children make the most desirable opponents in Scrabble as they 
are both easy to beat and fun to cheat.
                 -Fran Lebowitz

One Fish
Two Fish
Red Fish
Blue Fish

When you are done, minimize Notepad and open Netscape for Windows once again.

From the File menu, select Open File, then type in c:\html\wisdom.htm and click on [OK].

Figure 10 - Opening a local file in Netscape

Mosaic should open and process the newly created HTML file and produce something similar to the following.

Figure 11 - 1st version

Don't worry! Since we included no HTML tags in the document, Netscape had no way of knowing how we wanted the document to look.

If we look at the hypertext document produced, we can see a few things have changed. Most noticeably, it ignored all of our blank lines and carriage returns, thus running all of the text in the document together. In HTML you have to specify things like the start of new paragraphs and where you want text to be indented.

To begin formatting the document, switch back to Notepad, and add the line

<TITLE>Words of Wisdom</TITLE> at the beginning of our document. This will tell the document viewer (Netscape in our case) that the title of the document is "Words of Wisdom".

We used <TITLE> to tell Netscape we are starting a title, and </TITLE> to tell it we are finished with it. Most formatting commands start with the form <COMMAND> and end in the format </COMMAND>, this tells the computer that the font, title, or graphic is over. Many people's HTML errors are caused by forgetting to end formatting commands.

Note: Netscape for Windows does not require you to have a title to your HTML files, but as a general rule, titles should always be included. Also note that commands such as <TITLE> are often typed in upper case, and will be in this manual for clarity. However, it is not necessary for them to be upper case, HTML viewers interpret <TITLE> and <title> as the same command.

Next bring up Notepad and add <P> every place we have a blank line. This instructs Netscape to start a new paragraph and leave a blank line at that point. Note that unlike the <TITLE> command, we do not need to specify the end of paragraphs via a </P> command. When finished your document should look like for following:

<TITLE>Words of Wisdom</TITLE>

Words of Wisdom
Every program has at least one bug and can be shortened by 
at least one instruction - from which, by induction, one can 
deduce that every program can be reduced to one instruction 
which doesn't work.
Murphy's Law of Research:
Enough research will tend to support your theory.
Children make the most desirable opponents in Scrabble as they 
are both easy to beat and fun to cheat.
-Fran Lebowitz
One Fish
Two Fish 
Red Fish
Blue Fish

After resaving the HTML file, switch back to Netscape and click on the reload button, located on the menu bar. Netscape should reload and reformat the document to look like the following:

Figure 12 - 2nd Version

Notice that the paragraphs are all now separated by blank lines. Keep in mind that adding two <P> commands in a row will not make a blank line that is any bigger than a single <P> since it does not make sense to have two paragraphs start in the same place.

For situations in which we need to specify when words should start on a new line we can create a break by using the <BR> command. Let's add a break between "Murphy's Law of Research:" and "Enough research will tend to support your theory." by placing a <BR> tag between them. Let's also add one before the line "-Fran Lebowitz" to start the text on a new line.

The last major command used to format pages is the horizontal ruler which uses the tag <HR> . Let's use a horizontal ruler to separate Dr. Seuss' list of fish from the rest of the document by replacing the paragraph command <P> with an <HR> .

Your completed document (in Notepad) should look like this (the added HTML tags are in bold):

<TITLE>Words of Wisdom Page</TITLE>
Words of Wisdom
Every program has at least one bug and can be shortened by at 
least one instruction - from which, by induction, one can deduce 
that every program can be reduced to one instruction which 
doesn't work.
Murphy's Law of Research:
Enough research will tend to support your theory.
Children make the most desirable opponents in Scrabble as they 
are both easy to beat and fun to cheat.
-Fran Lebowitz
One Fish
Two Fish
Red Fish
Blue Fish
After saving, click the reload button in Netscape the newly formatted page should look like this:

Figure 13 - 3rd version

Now that we have formatted the page we can work on formatting the text on the page. Let's start by creating a header for our document. Headers are text that is larger than "normal" text on the page. There are seven levels of headers ranging from very large <H1> to very small <H7>. To create a header a user starts the header command by specifying the header command and the size (x) with the command <Hx>. After typing the header text end the header is ended with the command </Hx>.

Make "Words of Wisdom" a level one header by adding commands around it like so:

<H1> Words of Wisdom </H1>

Besides multiple sized characters, HTML also supports italics and bold; you can make "Murphy's Law of Research:" bold and "Scrabble" italics by editing your document so that it matches the text on the following page: (changed parts are printed in bold)

<TITLE>Words of Wisdom Page</TITLE>
<H1>Words of Wisdom</H1>
Every program has at least one bug and can be shortened by at
least one instruction - from which, by induction, one can deduce 
that every program can be reduced to one instruction which
doesn't work.
<B>Murphy's Law of Research:</B>
Enough research will tend to support your theory.
Children make the most desirable opponents in <I>Scrabble</I> 
as they are both easy to beat and fun to cheat.
-Fran Lebowitz
One Fish
Two Fish
Red Fish
Blue Fish
Notice that we have simply added the <B> and <I> tags around the appropriate sections.

Before continuing, save the document and reload it in Netscape. Your new document should look similar to the picture below. If it does not, switch back to Notepad and make sure that your HTML code matches the code above.

Figure 14 - 4th version

The last major command for formatting text is the command to specify preformatted text. This is useful when presenting information that is centered or that contains columns of information, since there are no widely supported commands to accomplish these tasks. To define text as preformatted, add the tag <PRE> before the text and the tag </PRE> after it. For our document, let's format the first paragraph as preformatted by adding <PRE> tags before and after the body of the paragraph.

Every program has at least one bug and can be shortened by at
least one instruction - from which, by induction, one can deduce
that every program can be reduced to one instruction which
doesn't work.
When reloaded, our document should look like the following:

Figure 15 - 5th version

Note that most viewers use a different font to display preformatted text, which is why the preformatted text above looks different from the "regular" text around it.

Now that we've formatted our text, let's format the Dr. Seuss list at the end of our document. There are 3 main types of lists in HTML: Definition Lists, Ordered Lists, and Unordered Lists.

Definition Lists (also called Description Lists) create indented and non-indented text. Note that creating a list of only Non-Indented text is useful when we want to make a list in which the items aren't emphasized. The two parts of a Definition list are Data Terms <DT> and Data Descriptions <DD>

<DT>Non-Indented Text
<DD>Indented Text
<DD>More Indented Text
<DT>Non-Indented Text Again

Ordered Lists can be used for lists of items that you wish numbered. Items in the list are designated with <LI> indicating that they are List Items.

<LI>Item One
<LI>Item Two
<LI>Item Three

Unordered List is used for lists that shouldn't include numbers, but which you want to be emphasized with bullets. As with ordered lists items in the list are designated with <LI> indicating that they are List Items.

<LI>Item One
<LI>Item Two
<LI>Item Three
For our list, let's use an unordered list. Switch to Notepad and edit the lines:
One Fish
Two Fish
Red Fish
Blue Fish
to be:
<LI>One Fish
<LI>Two Fish
<LI>Red Fish
<LI>Blue Fish
Save the edited file, then switch to Netscape and click the reload button.

Our newly formatted list should look like the following:

Figure 16 - 6th version

Chapter 6 - Adding Graphics

Now that the text is prepared, we can start adding simple graphics to our document.

Netscape supports and will display several graphic formats, the most common of which is the gif format. We will be using Paintbrush (found in the Accessories group in Windows) to create a title graphic for our "words of wisdom" document. Then we will use a program called LView Pro to save our graphic as a gif file we can import into our HTML file.

To create our title bar start Paintbrush and use the fill tool to create a blue background by clicking on the blue square on the bottom, then the fill tool, and finally the blank work space.

Next select the yellow color, then the text tool. Then choose Fonts from the Text menu, select Times New Roman as the font, Bold as the Style, and 36 as the size.

Figure 17 - Setting text parameters in Paintbrush

Click on the workspace and type: "Words of Wisdom"

Next use the cutting tool to select your newly formed text, and choose Copy from the Edit menu.

Figure 18 - Selecting Text

Next exit from Paintbrush (you will not need to save the current file) and switch to Program Manager. Start LView Pro if you have an icon for it, or select Run from the File menu and type in F:\winapps\lview\lviewp14.exe in the space provided.

When LView comes up select Paste from its Edit menu. LView Pro and your artwork should look similar to the following.

Figure 19 -The title graphic in LView Pro

Choose Save As from the File menu, choose gif 87a (*.gif) under the File Type menu, then enter c:\html\words.gif as the file name.

Figure 20 - Saving the Graphic in the gif format

When you're done, click [OK] to save your artwork.

Now that we have a graphical title bar, we can use it to replace our text based title.

After exiting from LView, use Notepad to replace the line

<H1>Words of Wisdom</H1>

with the text

<IMG SRC="words.gif" ALT="Words of Wisdom">

This will tell the document viewer to display the image as directed by SRC if it can display graphics, and display the text "Words of Wisdom" as an alternate if it cannot display graphics.

Note that the ALT="xxx" tag is not required, but that many people browse the web using text-based viewers such as Lynx. If no alternative to the graphic is provided, these people will see nothing in that area. While using ALT tags are not required, they are important for providing information to the widest number of people while using the web.

After saving your changes and reloading our file in Netscape, you should have a document similar to the example below.

Figure 21 - 8th version

As we saw in Section 1, there is much more that can be done with graphics, but it is all done in the same basic way we have used in this chapter to create our title bar graphic.

Chapter 7 - Adding Hypertext Links

Hypertext links are the key to the success of the World Wide Web. By being able to get information or connect with another site by simply clicking on a word, sentence, or image, hypertext changes the way information on the Internet is found. Gone are the days when users had to memorize complicated, cryptic commands and the names of machines in far away places.

There are two basic kinds of hypertext links, internal links within a document, and external links to other documents. Internal links can be used when a user might wish to skip parts of a document (a glossary for example). An internal link helps make a document simpler to read by allowing the reader to jump over information they do not care to read, and to the information they are interested in. External links connect one document to another, whether that document is close at hand or on a machine on the other side of the world.

Hypertext links are created by the use of anchors. Anchors are the words or images that the user clicks on to move via the link. Anchors may be a single word, an entire paragraph, or an image.

To practice, add an external link from our sample document to DSU's home page.

To do this, add the following lines to the end of our HTML file c:\html\wisdom.htm using Notepad.

Click <A HREF=""> here </A> 
to go to DSU's home page.

What this will do is create a link to the URL anchored on the word here. When you are finished remember to save, then switch to Netscape and reload the document. At the very bottom, you should see the following.

If you test the link by clicking on the word here Netscape should load DSU's home page.

Congratulations, you've created your first hypertext document!

Figure 22 - 9th and final version